Why our 2023 UK ETS reporting cycle ran smoothly

Early into the 2024 UK ETS reporting year, we thought it would be a good opportunity to update you on what the 2023 cycle felt like here for us here at Swan Energy.

We reported over one million tonnes CO2 on behalf of 88 installations across the UK for 2023 UK ETS reporting year. These installations and clients come from a variety of industry sectors, including food and drink, brewing and distilling, NHS and healthcare, energy, chemicals and manufacturing. We also verified emissions on behalf of a leading verification body at another four installations.

Despite our founder, Andrew Park’s illness and sad passing in January, the team has done brilliantly in adopting a “business and usual” approach, and we think there are five key reasons why our verification and UK ETS reporting has run so smooth:



Number 1 – We are experts in our field. Swan Energy was founded over 25 years ago, and we have been involved in Energy Trading Systems since they were first established in the EU.


Number 2 – Our Operations Director, Joe Youldon, is a Verifier-in-Training for a UKAS accredited verification body for the UK ETS. What this means is that we understand the requirements that meet the verification standard better than most.


Number 3 – Linked with know-how and experience, we also have a strong network and contacts in the verification and regulatory bodies across the UK. If anyone in the Swan Energy team notices an issue, or identifies a challenge, we know who to speak with. When we pick up the phone to speak to someone in a regulatory body, we are trusted and respected.


Number 4 – A few years ago, we coined the phrase “power of the pack”, and we stick by that. We now have unique software and create an evidence pack for each individual client, every reporting year. This makes understanding complex research and actions easier for our clients – reducing the amount of time they need to spend looking at this. We have also consulted with verification bodies in developing these.


Number 5 – Finally, but importantly, we are always working behind the scenes. We are in regular contact with our clients and gathering data throughout the year.



Are you reporting behalf of your UK ETS installation? If so, how did things go for you in the 2023 reporting cycle?

If you would like to book in an initial meeting and assessment, without commitment, to determine if we are able to assist your organisation with your mandatory energy reporting call us on 01484 843 867 or Click here.

Joe Youldon

Operations Director

Joe Youldon

Operations Director

Joe joined the Swan Energy team in 2019, having graduated that year from the University of Leeds with a BSc in Environmental Science.

Since joining Swan Energy, Joe has progressed to be Operations Director and plays a key role in the strategic direction of the business. He manages the company’s portfolio across the UK, supported by a team of Carbon Consultants.

Joe has delivered focus groups on the future of the ETS and its systems, and workshops for clients. He also develops and manages our strategic partnerships.

Joe is London based.