METS (Manage Your UK Emissions Trading Scheme Report Service) Launches

August has seen the launch of the new UK ETS reporting system, METS, which replaces the previous EU based ETSWAP portal.

As part of this transition, only the current active permit and a sole primary contact for each installation have been migrated, with the primary contact expected to add all other users as necessary. The UK Regulators have started to send registration links by email to the relevant contact for each site, with staggered onboarding set to continue over the course of August.

Having been involved in the testing of METS in recent months, Swan Energy will be on hand to guide our clients through navigating the new system in preparation for the upcoming emissions reporting cycle.

The move to the new system comes while the UK Government continues to consult on several key changes to the scheme, which would see the scheme diverge from current EU ETS legislation. Click here to read the Developing the UK ETS Consultation Response.

Swan Energy has been involved with the UK ETS since its inception and delivers 100% compliance for our clients. If you want to discuss METS in more detail, or get in touch with us, click here.

Shaun McGregor

Carbon Consultant

Shaun McGregor

Carbon Consultant

After graduating with a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, Shaun joined the Swan Energy team in December 2021.

Shaun supports the consultancy work the team does, managing ETS reporting for our clients across the UK, He is the main contact for our larger sites, that range across the food and drink, chemical production, and waste treatment sectors.

In addition, Shaun has more recently gained experience in SECR reporting and ESOS energy auditing.

Shaun is based in Glasgow.