This consultation document asks 196 questions. We summarised this for our clients; making it easier to digest and navigate. Find out more about the Swan Energy guidance.
The proposals and calls for evidence presented by the Department for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) in the Developing the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS) consultation document are in response to the UKs climate goal of achieving net-zero by 2050. There is a need to align the UK ETS with the ambitions of the UK’s net-zero strategy.
The focus of the updates is to introduce the net-zero consistent cap, incentivise decarbonisation, expand the scope, and tighten controls on carbon leakage. Many of the changes proposed will be introduced in 2024 and 2026.
Responses must be made by 17 June 2022 and 196 questions are asked. We created some Swan Energy Guidance to summarise the consultation document, and highlighted considerations for different types of client and installation.
This has been sent out to client contacts. If anyone else would like to receive this guide, please call us on 01484 843867 or email and we’ll be in touch.
The Swan Energy guidance document summarises the consultation under the headlines:
- All UK ETS Participants.
- UK ETS Participants who receive Free Allocation.
- Electricity Generators.
- Hospitals and Smaller Emitters.
- Biomass.
- Carbon Market Experts.
- Waste Incinerators and Energy from Waste Plants.
Please note that some areas of the consultation document have not been summarised because they are not of relevance to our clients. These include changes to Aviation, as well as but not limited to extending the scope of UK ETS to Maritime, Agriculture, Aviation, and Upstream Oil and Gas.
Call us on 01484 843867 or email for any further discussion.
Find out more about the UK ETS support and consultancy service offered by Swan Energy.