Swan Energy has entered into a new strategic partnership with carbon market experts, Redshaw Advisors. This enables us to offer our clients an end-to-end compliance service.
Redshaw Advisors are carbon market experts and help companies with their understanding of what drives carbon prices and how carbon affects their financial bottom-line. Our new end-to-end service includes Redshaws offering advice regarding the purchase and surrender of allowances as well as registry support.
As part of this end-to-end service, Swan Energy takes care of compliance, making sure everything is monitored as it should be, reported correctly and verified. We complete all EU ETS functions, such as data and documentation collation and submission of all reports to the Competent Authority – and can also help clients to find and appoint a verifier, if required.
Swan Energy Managing director, Andrew Park, said: “The relationship with Redshaw Advisors is a strategic move because whereas we deal with the compliance side of emissions reporting, they deal with the trading side of emissions reporting. Therefore what we do complements each other and between us we are able cover the whole spectrum of client requirements.”