EU ETS – What to expect on your verification visit

Swan Energy works with clients and their verifiers to ensure that all EU ETS obligations are met. It is our job to shield clients from much of the complexity of the reporting process.

Your Swan Energy Account Manager will be there onsite during the verification visit to support you, talk through the calculations and present the evidence in our pack. This unique evidence pack is tried and trusted and enables a quick and easy process for the verifier.

What is the role of the operator?

The verifier must make sure that the operator knows their obligations so during the verification will check operators are aware that the following must be reported:

  • Changes to combustion equipment, such as boilers, generators, fuels on site, and associated meters (planned/unplanned).
  • Missing data
  • Personnel changes

We are regularly in touch to ask about what is happening on site and will ensure that all necessary changes are reported and that you are prepared for the verification visit.

The Verifier will ask for a site tour that includes major emission sources and most measurement devices so they can confirm the permit is in line with the installation. They will also be looking to spot any smaller sources that have been left off the permit; a common one being smaller generators.

Verifiers may also request physical copies of fuel logs etc. to check against the calculations and may question anyone involved in the data flow process.

Verification for full participants this year will be slightly different as activity level for 2019 and 2020 must also be reported. This means that verifiers will want to see the additional meters and equipment used to measure activity level, such as heat meters, and check that they are in line with the MMP. The activity level calculations will also have to be verified along with the emissions.

Once verified, we then fill in an annual emissions report on ETSWAP, this year with the additional activity level template attached. ETSWAP is the portal that allows direct correspondence with the Environmental Agency.

Please call us on 01484 843867 or email if you need help with EU ETS.


What is the EU ETS and does it apply to my installation?

The EU ETS – Opt out schemes

The EU ETS monitoring, reporting and verification cycle

Important EU ETS Updates

EU ETS – State Guidelines

Joe Youldon

Operations Director

Joe Youldon

Operations Director

Joe joined the Swan Energy team in 2019, having graduated that year from the University of Leeds with a BSc in Environmental Science.

Since joining Swan Energy, Joe has progressed to be Operations Director and plays a key role in the strategic direction of the business. He manages the company’s portfolio across the UK, supported by a team of Carbon Consultants.

Joe has delivered focus groups on the future of the ETS and its systems, and workshops for clients. He also develops and manages our strategic partnerships.

Joe is London based.