The Swan Energy team has now come to the end of its busiest period in the year as monitoring, reporting and verification comes to an end for the 2022 UK ETS reporting year, and annual 2022 emissions reported on behalf of clients, and independently verified, were 1 043 242 tCO2 across 79 installations. This is the first ETS reporting year where the Swan Energy team has exceeded one million tCO2. We have also verified emissions on behalf of a leading verification body at another four installations.
The 2023 reporting year is set to be even busier. For ETS, we already know we will be reporting on an additional five installations for existing clients and have also signed up four new clients – a chemicals business, a food manufacturer, a hospital, and a company operating in the energy and power industry sector. In total the new five clients cover nine installations.
The submission deadline date for ESOS (Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme), which runs on a four-year cycle, is also this year, on 5th December 2023. The qualification date for this scheme is 31st December 2022, which means that if you hit the qualification criteria on this date, then you qualify, and compliance is mandatory. Because organisations are increasingly aware of this submission deadline, some of our existing and new clients are asking us to report on their behalf. Some of our client are also now starting to understand the benefit of us managing compliance and reporting for SECR (Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting) alongside this. Both mandatory schemes are intended to highlight how organisations are progressing and working towards a greener future.
For more information about ESOS, please visit our website where we also talk about how we can support people with compliance and reporting. Please click here.
For more information about our compliance and ETS reporting work, please do get in touch.