Delayed Launch of ETSWAP Replacement System: METS

A further update on the status of the ETSWAP replacement system has now been circulated by the Regulator.

This follows on from our news updates posted about the original timeline of ETSWAP being replaced and a new system launch in October 2022 – click here to read this. And, the subsequent delay of the new platform until 2023 – cick here to read this.

Currently, UK installations use the existing EU based ETSWAP system to report emissions for compliance with ETS. As the UK ETS develops, a new UK system will replace ETSWAP.

This ETSWAP replacement platform was introduced as PMRV, but is now referred to as Manage Your UK Emissions Trading Scheme Report Service (METS).

The upcoming launch of METS has been further delayed and is now expected to begin in July 2023, as detailed in a recent SEPA newsletter. A more detailed timeline is expected to be released in the near future.

As always, Swan will keep all clients updated when this new timeline is published and ensure readiness for the migration from ETSWAP to METS for the 2023 reporting year.

For any queries on how this change may affect you or your installation, please contact Swan Energy.

Shaun McGregor

Carbon Consultant

Shaun McGregor

Carbon Consultant

After graduating with a Bachelors in Chemical Engineering, Shaun joined the Swan Energy team in December 2021.

Shaun supports the consultancy work the team does, managing ETS reporting for our clients across the UK, He is the main contact for our larger sites, that range across the food and drink, chemical production, and waste treatment sectors.

In addition, Shaun has more recently gained experience in SECR reporting and ESOS energy auditing.

Shaun is based in Glasgow.