Summary of The Future of UK Carbon Pricing

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Earlier this week, the UK Government issued The Future of UK Carbon Pricing which focuses on a UK Emissions Trading System (UK ETS), to replace the EU ETS, now we have left the EU. We thought it would be helpful to summarise its key points. Mandatory reporting of greenhouse gases in the UK could take the following […]

Swan Energy continues to grow and thrive

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The country has locked down under unique circumstances and every business has been forced to change the way it operates dramatically, however, Swan Energy is fortunate in this new world because, in many ways, it is business as usual. We have adapted how we work to make sure we are following all government advice issued, […]

Questions and answers about the new SECR regulations

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting

The UK Government has extended mandatory carbon reporting to more companies than ever with the introduction of the Streamlined Energy Carbon Reporting (SECR) regulations. These new regulations require companies to disclose their energy and carbon usage and support the UK Government commitment to becoming a low carbon economy. What does this mean? SECR is replacing […]

Deadline for EU ETS Phase IV Baseline exercise extended

UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS)

We’ve been keeping you up to speed with the EU ETS Phase IV Baseline exercise over recent weeks, and it’s now been agreed to extend the deadline for all UK operators to 30 June 2019. Please note however that the BEIS EU ETS team email said: “Nevertheless, operators are strongly recommended to submit their data […]

SECR planned to take effect April 2019

Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting

At ESTA’s IECg “Energy: Changing Times” event, the up and coming Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) legislation struck up a lively debate when Gary Shanahan (Head of Business and Industry Energy Efficiency, Tax and Reporting, from Business Energy and Industrial Strategy) shared the latest updates on the legislation, which is still in the consultation […]